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Brand Your Way Membership

Welcome to Brand Your Way - Your exclusive membership to brand clarity, confidence and consistency.

Are you ready to transform your brand from invisible to unforgettable?

Are you looking to unleash your Personal and Professional Brand?

Guided by Nicole Hatherly, a catalyst in Global Brand Strategy, this program is your path to stand up, stand out and shine without feeling like a boaster, an imposter or a tosser.

Because your work doesn’t speak for itself!

Doors open Tuesday, 11 June 2024.
Doors close Tuesday, 18 June 2024.
Membership kicks off Wednesday, 19 June 2024!

Be the first to join before doors open

Shift from invisible expert to invaluable authority and step into what you’ve already worked hard for.

  • Build your brand that finally feels like you’re home.

  • Be guided by a leading authority and Global Brand Strategist.

  • Align your vision, articulate your value, amplify your visibility and activate your voice!

  • Discover the power of your value, positioning, and direction.

  • Follow a proven blueprint with like-minded professionals.

  • Create a Professional Profile you’re proud of and want to share.

  • Change up what no longer suits you or serves you.

  • Feel more confident in expressing your skills, talents and achievements.

  • Get unstuck and move from being consumed with doubt.

  • Make fast progress with frameworks, accountability and support.

"The program exceeded my expectations."

With Nicole's guidance creativity and expertise I now have a new pathway and positioning that is 100% aligned. As an added bonus my new methodology has allowed me to develop a 6 month program which not only provides better outcomes for clients but also creates a clear roadmap for working with clients.

- Debbie, Business Strategy and Operations Expert 

What's inside of Brand Your Way:

6 Month Membership + 1 month free (Jun - Dec 2024)
7 Month Schedule of Live Masterclasses and Expert Content 

7 x Monthly Live Masterclasses with
Nicole Hatherly

7 x Monthly Guest Speaker Masterclasses

7 x Monthly
Live Group

7 x Brand

Private Facebook


Brand Resource

Brand Your Way Membership Hub

Check-in Sessions 

Annual Planning Day
(Nov 2024)

Access your Exclusive 'Brand Your Way' Private Facebook Group when you join the waitlist.


Join the Waitlist!

Why Join Brand Your Way

It's Your Time!

You've worked hard to become an expert in your field. Now, let me guide you through the journey from being an invisible expert to an invaluable authority. Stop struggling to build your personal and professional brand. Let's align your vision, articulate your value, amplify your visibility, and activate your voice together!

No More Guesswork

We often try to figure things out on our own and get lost in the process. Why take the long road when you can follow a proven blueprint? Surround yourself with like-minded leaders and experts and make your journey smoother and more fulfilling.

Create a Profile You're Proud Of

Time to transition from words that neither suit you nor serve you anymore. You'll leave this program with a professional profile that reflects who you truly are—one you're proud to share with the world.

Gain Confidence, Lose Doubt

Feel empowered to express your skills, talents, and achievements. Say goodbye to those times you felt stuck and consumed with doubt. With our frameworks, accountability measures, and community support, you'll make fast progress.

Inside the Membership

Here's a snapshot of what's packed into this transformational year ahead:

  • Monthly Themed Masterclasses: Each month, we'll focus on a different aspect of branding.
  • Monthly Brand Asset Playbook: Walk away with actionable strategies in a playbook designed just for you.
  • Monthly Group Coaching Sessions: This is where you can bounce ideas off like-minded professionals.
  • Monthly Guest Speaker Masterclasses: Gain insights from industry leaders in exclusive sessions.
Extra Perks
  • Brand Resource Centre: Access invaluable brand templates and frameworks.
  • Dedicated Membership Hub: Get all your updates and resources in one spot.
  • Accountability Check-Ins: We'll keep you on track.
  • Annual Planning Day and Inner Circle Retreat: Plan for success in an unforgettable annual face-to-face gathering.
  • Private Facebook Group: Connect and share within a supportive community.
Are You Ready?

If you're serious about levelling up your brand, this is a no-brainer. Become a member now and let's build something extraordinary together. Can't wait to work with you!

Do you have questions, or are you excited to share your thoughts? Leave a comment below or reach out directly. Let's make your brand unforgettable.

So, what's holding you back? Take the leap, and let's Brand Your Way to success!

"The Brand your Way program has been a journey of vulnerability and discovery."

From the moment I first met Nicole, I felt encouraged seen and understood. The Brand Your Way membership has been a journey of vulnerability and discovery that Nicole has guided me through with grace expertise and sheer belief. If you know you have more to lift or feel you are ready for that big 'next' the BYW program will be your secret weapon to learn your value and fall in love with your value, so the world can too.

- Gemma, Executive Director

Inner Circle Membership

$ 4,997

(best value) 

Pay 6mths and get 1 month free plus
Inner Circle Coaching Program
(6-month contract)

Monthly Membership

$ 797/mo

(most affordable)

Pay per month
No lock-in contract

"Highly recommend working with Nicole on anything around personal brand and profile."

Nicole has a unique way of articulating what you can’t see of yourself and translating that into a public personal brand. Nicole has the ability to clearly communicate and offer guidance on not just how to do it but also why, which allows you to really “get it”. Highly recommend working with Nicole on anything around personal brand and profile. Excellent speaker and coach.

- Sammi, Co-founder, Director & Podcast Host

It's Decision Time
Your Brand Deserves to Shine!

You've got two choices: keep navigating the branding maze on your own or take the leap into a transformational journey with Brand Your Way. Stop blending in and start standing out. Click the link below to become a member and let's make your brand unforgettable. Trust me, a year from now, you'll wish you had started today.

Are you ready to turn your brand evolution into a revolution?

Register Now

Common FAQs (You're Not Alone)

It's common to feel overwhelmed in your own brand. Here are our most common questions so you know you're not alone.

"I don't even know where to start with branding."

With Brand Your Way, you don't have to start from scratch. Our 7-month themed schedule and monthly Brand Asset Playbooks provide a structured approach. Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed and hello to clear, actionable steps.

"Branding feels too technical or complicated."

Trust me, I get it! Branding can seem like a maze. That's why my masterclasses and coaching sessions are designed to break down complex branding concepts into digestible, practical lessons. No jargon, just actionable advice.

"I'm too busy to add another thing to my plate."

Brand Your Way is structured to deliver high-impact, actionable insights that you can implement quickly. Plus, all sessions are recorded, so you can access them on your own time.

"I've already spent too much time on ineffective branding strategies."

With our proven blueprint and expert-led masterclasses, you won't be wasting any more time on strategies that don't yield results. Brand Your Way is about effectiveness and transformation, not trial and error.

"Is this membership really worth the investment?"

Consider this: What's the cost of remaining stuck, invisible, and overlooked in your industry? Brand Your Way isn't an expense; it's an investment in your future.

"What if it doesn't work for me?"

With a community of like-minded professionals, accountability check-ins, and my personal guidance, you'll have all the support you need to make it work. We're committed to your success, and you'll feel that commitment in every aspect of the program.

"Why 7 months?"

Because we give you December to celebrate and slip into a season to try your new brand at End of Year parties, client catch-ups, and with your friends and family.

"How do I continue in 2025?"

We'll kick off a new 6-month Inner Circle Membership from January 2025 with our popular Signature Life Wheel mapping session.

Join the Waitlist!

A note from me

Hey there, I'm Nicole, your go-to Award Winning Global Brand Strategist, International Keynote Speaker. I've been where you are—feeling invisible despite your expertise. The truth is, your work doesn't speak for itself—you need to give it a voice. 

I have branded, rebranded and re-energised thousands of high-profile celebrities and media personalities, high performance sports stars and thought leaders and high value professional experts, entrepreneurs and executives across the globe. 

That's why I've created Brand Your Way, the ultimate membership programme designed to help you stand up, stand out, and shine without feeling like a boaster, a tosser, or an impostor.

Join the Waitlist for Brand Your Way

Who Is Brand Your Way For?

Dive Deep Into Your Brand's Essence

Are you at a crossroads with your personal, professional, or purpose brand? Perhaps you've mastered your craft but struggle to articulate its value compellingly. Maybe you're a professional expert seeking to amplify your influence, or an entrepreneur eager to infuse authenticity into your business brand. If these challenges resonate, then Brand Your Way is tailored for you.

Personal Branding: Unveiling the Authentic You

For the professionals who know their worth but haven't yet found the right platform or the compelling narrative to share their story, Brand Your Way is your stage. We speak to you—the hidden gems, the quiet achievers, the relentless learners. It's time your personal brand reflected the depth of your expertise and the breadth of your impact.

Professional Branding: Elevating Your Career

To the ambitious souls feeling tethered by the invisible boundaries of their current roles, let's break free. Brand Your Way is for those yearning to step into a leadership position, longing to be seen as the go-to authority in their field. We guide you to craft a professional brand that's not just seen but sought after.

Purpose Branding: Defining Your Why

And to the visionaries driven by a cause greater than themselves, your purpose brand deserves a voice that echoes across industries. Brand Your Way offers you the tools to weave your why into the very fabric of your brand narrative, making your mission irresistible to your audience.

Entrepreneurs and Business Owners: Scaling New Heights

If you're building a business, brand, product, or service, Brand Your Way isn't just a personal development journey; it's a strategic blueprint for your business's growth. Leverage our comprehensive content and frameworks to create a brand that resonates, a product that captivates, and a service that transforms.

A One-to-One Conversation

Imagine sitting across from Nicole Hatherly, your personal Global Brand Strategist, as she peels back the layers of your brand, revealing its true potential. With Brand Your Way, that's precisely the journey we embark on together. It's intimate, it's personal, and it's transformative. We delve into the essence of who you are, what you offer, and why it matters—crafting a brand narrative that's as unique as your fingerprint.

Are You Ready to Embrace Your Brand's True Potential?

If you're nodding along, feeling that surge of excitement at the prospect of finally aligning your brand with your true essence, then you're exactly where you need to be. Brand Your Way is more than a program; it's a partnership in your brand's journey to authenticity, influence, and unparalleled growth.

Your brand is a living, breathing entity that deserves to be nurtured, celebrated, and elevated. Let's embark on this journey together, shall we?

Discover Your Brand's True North - Join the Waitlist for Brand Your Way